
Pubg pc stats
Pubg pc stats

pubg pc stats

Note: unlocking the frame rate might cause overheating problems if your system has heating issues if you are using a laptop. If you have a better display and a decent graphics card, then limit the fps to your screens refresh rate. Lobby FPS Cap: Doesn’t matter In-Game FPS Cap: Unlimited or Display Based depending on your system. Not to be rude, but players will spot you, but you won’t be able to spot them - a terrible disadvantage for gaming and PUBG PC. But if you need to reduce it below 720p, Then it is better not to play the game. Using your default resolution is the best choice for performance and quality balance unless your PC is too old to run at the default resolution. Resolution Settings: use your native resolution. Not something you want while playing PUBG PC. Distractions like borders make you lose focus sometimes the less you have, the better. 1)Display settings Display Mode settings: Full Screen.įullscreen is the best option for gaming as a gamer. Do note that adjusting the graphics system requires a restart of the game so that the settings are correctly applied.

#Pubg pc stats how to#

I will explain and show you how to set every setting in PUBG PC. Launch PUBG PC and open the settings by clicking on the options icon on the top right(Looks like a gear). Pubg Esports Course by NicoThePico 1)PUBG In-game settings Most Recommended Esports Courses for Pubg: You can buy them at a very cheap cost on amazon. No other alternative for professional gamers. Make your PC Faster with our System Optimization Guideįirst and most important tip: Install the game on an SSD.

pubg pc stats

Though it takes some patience and effort.

  • 4) PUBG MAX FPS SETTINGS for Windows 10:.
  • 2)AMD Graphics card settings for PUBG FPS.
  • In-Game FPS Cap: Unlimited or Display Based depending on your system.
  • Resolution Settings: use your native resolution.

  • Pubg pc stats